While observing birds outside a window recently, Pastor Brent considered why birds come to the feeder – it’s because that’s where the food is.

When you consider why you attend church, do you ever ask yourself why it is that you’re going?

  • Is it to compare yourself with others?
  • Is it for the community?
  • Is it because of the beautiful building?

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. – Matthew 6:33

We should be coming to church to seek God’s kingdom. What does seeking God’s kingdom look like? Where do we “eat”? Where do we fill our souls?

All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. – 2 Tim 3:16

Do you have plans this New Year to get into scripture? There are so many tools now that make it easy to read your Bible on a daily basis. If you’re looking for a plan to follow, or even for a great Bible app for your phone, check out Youversion.

Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of scripture, to preaching and teaching. 1 Tim 4:13

We need to read, study, and know the Bible. Read it in public; church, school, library, and at home over our children. Culture is now dictating what the church is teaching rather than the church influencing culture.

Pray without ceasing – Give thanks in all circumstances. 1 These 5:16-18

When you struggle, do you try to figure it out on your own? Or do you take it to God first? God should be both our first and last thought each day. The One we go to when we are struggling.

We should be praying confidently to God about all our concerns. Praise Him and ask Him for what you need, then leave it in His hands. God is not too busy to listen to you. You have been redeemed. God cares about you and every tiny detail in your life.

In the coming year, Freedom Fellowship will be focusing on getting back to the basics, where to find the “food”.

We also need to go out and serve others by letting Jesus shine through us. Do people see Jesus in the way you treat your spouse or talk to your children, or even the way you work?

Be kind one to another. Tenderhearted, forgiving one another. Just as God, through Christ, has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32


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