
Adult Bible Study
Sunday 8:30 a.m.
This an in-depth Bible study;
we are currently studying the book of 1 Chronicles.
Can’t make it in person? Join us virtually!
or by phone: (978) 990-5088
Access code: 7321143

Worship Service
Sunday 10:00
Join us for a worship service and a message from the Bible.

Food Fellowship (lunch!)
Most Sundays we have potluck-style lunch following the Sunday service. You do NOT need to bring anything to enjoy the meal. But if you’d like to contribute, please sign up below.
Mid-Week Bible Study
Mid-week Bible study meets Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm at Freedom Fellowship. Led by Pastor Brent, this in-depth Bible Study is delivered in a small group style. We welcome questions and discussion. We are currently going through the book of Ephesians. This is a great way to encourage you mid-week.
We are currently on a break…we’re praying over the format and topics of this ministry.
Youth Group
The goal of our youth ministry is to disciple the youth to be zealous for God and to develop an intimate personal relationship with Him. All youth ages 12-18 are welcome. Currently are doing special events throughout the year- watch the website for details!
Sermon Rewind
This small group meets weekly to discuss the sermon, pray and fellowship together. It meets on Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm at the Maczuzak home (1018 Chestnut St., West Bend).
Men’s and Women’s Breakfasts
The men and women meet separately on the first Saturday of each month for breakfast, Bible study and fellowship. They meet at 8:00am at the Bauer home (3432 Country Aire Dr., Cedarburg,)
Seniors Small Group (S.O.S)
Seniors of the Savior (SOS) is a small group that is designed to meet the needs of seniors (however, anyone is welcome to join us). We do an interactive Bible study, as well as have plenty of time to connect and pray for one another. We meet every other Thursday, 1:00 – 3:00pm at FF (see calendar under events tab for the dates).