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When storms hit in your life, how do you respond?  What do you think about?  What are you afraid of?  Do you wonder if Jesus even cares?  When storms hit, we need to clarify our values, take refuge in the Lord, develop the habit of praise and seek after God.


Clarify Your Values

What is most important to you?  Money?  Your Job?  Possessions?  Your walk with the Lord?  Take inventory of your life.  Often you can see where your values actually are (not just what you want them to be!), by looking at how you spend your money and your time.


Take Refuge in the Lord

If you are out and a storm comes in, the first thing to typically do is to try to get to your vehicle.  However, if you can’t make it or you’ll be unsafe in your vehicle, you need to seek refuge.  During trials, we need to seek refuge in the Lord.

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”  Psalm 91:1-2

Our human nature is to seek refuge in our own abilities or resources, however being in the safety of God’s arms is the best place to be!  God alone is our refuge.


Develop the Habit of Praise

During trials, it is easy to focus on the trial and lose sight of many other things.  We need to intentionally praise God for who He is and what He has done.


Seek After God

Pastor Brent’s parents have a big German Bible in their basement.  It is a beautiful book with family history listed in it.  However, it’s not valuable because it can’t be read!  We need to know what the Bible says about who we are.

In our culture today, there is a lot of talk about being the “best you.”  God wants to give us a joy-filled life and He wants us to depend on Him.  Don’t make God something that He is not – He is the God of the Bible.

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