If you would like to experience the complete service (including worship), please view our Live Stream of the service on our Facebook page.


Pastor Brent Weide shares about a serious health scare that led to self-reflection and a deeper understanding of God’s care through the people around us.  He challenges us all to examine how we truly care for ourselves and others. He asks tough questions about our actions and intentions, urging us to align closer with the teachings of Jesus on love, forgiveness, and compassion.  Pastor Brent encourages us to adhere to the core of Jesus’s mission—to bring good news, set captives free, and bind up broken hearts. He invites each of us to reexamine our priorities and how we practice our faith in word and deed.


Key Takeaways:

The Crucial Role of Listening & Responding

We can have a tremendous impact on others’ lives as we truly listen and respond to their needs.

Trust in God

Relying on God provides peace and guidance during life’s tumultuous episodes, embodying the scriptural promise of God carrying our burdens.

The Heart of Ministry

The essence of our mission lies in embracing Jesus’s model of unconditional love and forgiveness, focusing on people’s real-life struggles rather than external adherence to rules.


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