If you would like to experience the complete service (including worship and prayer time), please view our Live Stream of the service on our Facebook page.


Pastor Brent’s garage is out of control!  He was really embarrassed because his in-laws came over & saw what a disaster the garage is.  He preferred to keep the garage doors closed so that no one would see inside the garage.  When the doors are shut, it looks nice and neat!


Deal with the Things You are Hiding

Our lives can be like Pastor Brent’s garage.  Many of us are struggling with things and we prefer to keep them hidden.  It may be things you are embarrassed and ashamed to struggle with.  However, if you want to move forward in life, you MUST deal with your struggles and sin issues!

What we hold in darkness has power over us.

The church needs to come alongside each other and help one another push their struggles.


Trials Help us Grow

Pearls are produced when a grain of sand irritates a clam.  Something of great beauty and value comes out of an irritation!  Many of us are dealing with trials (and maybe irritations!).  God uses these things to produce fruit in our lives.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28


Trusting God During Trials Changes Your Perspective

Pastor Brent was helping a friend set up his tree stand.  He was in a meadow (covered with allergens!) and it was difficult to get a lay of the land.  Once he put up the tree stand, he climbed up the tree sat in the stand.  Now he had a totally different perspective of the land.  He could see the deer trails, oak trees and other areas deer desire.

“I can do everything through Him who strengthens me.”  Phil 3:14

When we trust God to help us with our struggles, He will change your perspective!

Just like Jesus multiplied the boy’s lunch of 2 loaves and 5 fish to feed 5,000 people, God takes our act of obedience and multiplies it. Watch God work in ways you could never imagine!




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