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In times of challenge, remember that growth awaits on the other side of adversity. Pastor Brent Weide encourages us to immerse ourselves in Scripture, like the Gospel of John and the Proverbs, to drawing strength and wisdom. He sheds light on the power of prayer and surrendering to the Holy Spirit. We need to anchor ourselves in faith, see beyond our trials, and embrace God’s timing, rising above to proclaim Jesus’s grace in our lives. Let’s rise together with renewed purpose and unshakable trust in God’s plan.

Key Points:

1.) Read the Bible Daily
– Recommending the daily reading of one chapter of Proverbs
– Understanding the transformational power of the Bible

2) The Power of Prayer and Devotion
– Jesus’s example of taking time for prayer
– Develop a routine of daily devotions
– Learn to rely on the Holy Spirit

3) Navigating Disappointment and Anxiety
– Dealing with life’s disappointments
– Tools for managing anxiety and stress
– Bible verses to help cope during difficult periods

4) Trusting God’s Good Work
– Trust that God is acting for the believer’s good
-The role of intercession during challenging times
– Encourage others to rely on God during their trials

5) Community and Consistency in Faith
– The need for the church to be vigilant against the enemy’s tactics
– The significance of community

6) Lessons from Hardship and Faith
– Hardship builds character
– Learn to trust God’s timing
– Our faith is strengthened through trials

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