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When Pastor Brent was 6 years old, he fell into a pit filled with manure and pigs.  He felt like he was being swallowed up by the manure.  He yelled for help and his uncle came to rescue him.

Joseph also found himself in a pit – one he was thrown into by his brothers.  Perhaps you are finding yourself in a pit during this time of your life.  There is hope…God works out all things for his glory!  We need to remember that we just need to “win the day,” trust in the Lord and live with integrity.


Win the Day

In the football world, two teams play at the Superbowl.  Whoever plays best THAT day wins – it doesn’t necessarily mean that the best team wins.  We too only have to win the day.  Then we need to win the day, every day!


Trust in the Lord

In our culture, trust is often broken – it is broken in marriages, jobs & communities.  However, God is trustworthy!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

If our faith is in anything besides Jesus, we’re in sinking sand.  Trusting in anything besides Jesus will let us down.  We must exercise our faith daily.


Live by Integrity

When Abram and Lot were going separate ways, Abram gave Lot the first choice of land (Genesis 13).  Abram’s relationship with Lot was more important to him than possessions.  Abram exercised integrity and was blessed for it.  Choose integrity and you too will be blessed.


Have Determination

We need to have determination that gets us through each day.

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13

We can do nothing without God, but all things with God!  Don’t quit because things are rough.  Too many Christians have quit because things seem too hard.


It is easy to check out what the world has to offer, but like Brent climbing over the fence to the pig pen, it doesn’t end well!  We end up in the pit.  If you do end up in a pit, cry out to God as he will hear your cry and help you move forward.

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