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In this message, guest speaker Michael Strand dives into the timeless truth that there is no God besides Yahweh. We explore how this belief shaped ancient Israel, and its relevance today. Michael shares powerful insights on modern idolatry and the importance of loving God and our neighbors. Don’t miss this message—it’s a poignant reminder that amidst all life’s distractions, our faith in God’s uniqueness is our true anchor.


The Uniqueness of God

From the time of Isaiah to the teachings of Jesus, the Bible consistently emphasizes that there is only one true God, Yahweh. Michael guides us through the scriptural basis for this foundational belief, calling us to reject modern idols and affirm God’s sovereignty in our lives.


Understanding Idolatry in Modern Times

Idolatry isn’t just an ancient issue of bowing to statues; it manifests today in our obsessions with money, possessions, and status. Michael explores how these modern idols can divert our faith and challenges us to place our trust solely in God.


Living the Greatest Commandments

The essence of Jesus’ teachings is encapsulated in the greatest commandments: love God and love your neighbor. Michael reminds us that this principle originates in the Old Testament and remains central to our faith journey, encouraging us to live out these commandments in every aspect of our lives.

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