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Sundays at 10:00 am



















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Grab a cup of coffee!

There is coffee available for you in the lobby. Colectivo is a locally roasted blend that’s smooth and delectable. 

Join us for Worship

Our worship service is casual. Please participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable doing. The song service is roughly 30 minutes and the remainder is roughly 60 minutes.

Worship service Freedom Fellowship
Mother & Baby

Drop off Your Children

If you have children, they stay in for song service with you. After the song service, children (4yrs-5th grade) are dismissed to children’s church. At that time, the nursery will be staffed for your children 0-3 years as well.  

Enjoy a Meal

We enjoy a meal as a church family every Sunday following the morning service. You’re welcome to join us and meet some new friends.

Food Fellowship

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