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In this message, Neal Jameson shares about how as a body of believers, we can actively participate in the life and growth of our church. If you’ve ever felt the yearning to use your talents in service, Neal’s words are a call to step forward.

Neal dives into the Parable of the Ten Minas, drawing out pearls of wisdom on stewardship and the courage to serve faithfully. He illustrates this with the story of Shamgar, encouraging us to wield our ‘ox goads’—our unique talents—with dedication and purpose.

Join us in this exploration of what it means to truly serve in your church and make an impact that echoes into eternity. Let’s dive in and see how we can be a part of something greater, together, at Freedom Fellowship.


Key Takeaways:

Stewardship of Talents

Your individual talents are not just personal assets; they’re gifts meant to be used in service to the church and the Lord. Learn from the parable of the Minas how to utilize your abilities for growth and community support.


Servant Leadership Modeled by Jesus

Leadership within the church isn’t about power or prestige; it’s about humility and lifting others up. Neal challenges us to embrace Jesus’ model of servant leadership, where serving is not just a duty, but a path to following in His footsteps.


Healing from Past Hurts

It’s crucial to recognize and move past historical hurts within church settings. Neal shares his personal journey of healing and encourages us to set aside past grievances to fully engage in the life of the church.

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